I have never actually watched any of the Star Wars movies but I have heard how amazing they are! So I was told by my mum and dad that we were going to watch the movie, so they told me to watch the last episode so tat I would understand it - it helped, a lot!

It was so good, for someone that has not watch it before, it was emotional because of the return of many old characters, and spoiler alert, a surprise death!

However, to be completely honest with you, if I was a super fan and I would have been camping out for days to watch this movie, I think that I would have been disappointed. It was not one of the best movies, apparently (I only watch Star Wars: return of the Jedi), it was not outstandingly amazing, but as a fan of the films I have watched I would watch it again!
When we were ordering the tickets online there were soon many showings, for example there was one at 3:00 in one screen, then another at 3:45 in another screen. That just shows how popular the film is. Meaning they are going to make millions!!
For example on the 29th December (12 days after the release date) there are 19 showing in one day! this shows the popularity of the film, and how well it has actually done because most films don't even get into cinemas!

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