Thursday 10 September 2015

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

My evaluation 

Overall my feed back from my preliminary task was good, there were just some underlining factors that I had to change and get the hang of. Most of my criticism was things that I did not even know about; for example headroom. Headroom is when you keep the top view of the camera just above the actors head. The reason that this is done is so that there is no 'dead space'.

Another criticism that I had was that when I was recording my shot/reverse shot, I did not have the heads as the same size. This is important because other whys it looks very jumpy is the distance from the camera and the actor are different in each shot.

Moving on, when I was panning in my video, I need to be the one that is leading the actor to where they need to be; the actor should not be leading me. The reason for this is so that I do not try to catch up with the actor, it is more of a swift action.

Overall I am happy with my feed back and I know now how to improve.

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